January 19, 2022

Kayla Wahyu Kusumawardani

  Judul: Memelihara Kelinci Central Idea: Perawatan Kelinci Line of Inquiry: 1. Mengetahui hewan kelinci 2. Merawat Kelinci 3. Praktik Merawat Kelinci Key Concept Form, Responsibility […]
January 19, 2022

Ahmad Baihaqi Laits

  Judul: Membuat pigura foto dari stik es krim Central Idea: Membuat pigura foto dari stik es krim Line of Inquiry: 1. Mengetahui tentang anggota keluarga […]
January 19, 2022

Muhammad Danish Al Rizqy

  Judul: Cara Merawat Tanaman Aglaonema Central Idea: Perawatan Aglaonema Line of Inquiry: 1. Mengetahui tanaman Aglaonema 2. Bagaimana merawat Aglaonema 3. Praktek merawat Aglaonema Key […]
January 19, 2022

Aulia Ramadhani

  Judul: People’s Perspective on the Pandemic Central Idea: The way people respond to a pandemic affects their well-being Line of Inquiry: 1. How do we […]
January 19, 2022

Maliha Zakiyya Arifa

  Title: Happy & Caring with Reading Central Idea: We fostering caring and reach well being through reading activity Line of Inquiry: 1. Kind of reading […]
January 19, 2022

Muhammad Rafa Al Fatih

  Title: Reciting Al Qur’an and body health Central Idea: The impact of reciting Al Qur’an on the body health Line of Inquiry: 1. Medical review […]
January 19, 2022

Adhitya Brata Nurjaya

  Judul: Kepolisian Republik Indonesia Central Idea: Kepolisian negara republik indonesia mempunyai tugas, wewenang serta organisasi yang kuat dalam menjaga keamanan masyarakat Line of Inquiry: 1. […]
January 19, 2022

Alviano Zahran Putra praditya

  Judul: Sayur okra Central Idea: Okra sayur berlendir kaya manfaat Line of Inquiry: 1. Teknik dan cara menanam okra 2. Okra sayur berlendir kaya manfaat […]
January 19, 2022

Athara Vito Pradipta

  TITLE: Rising the Rooster CENTRAL IDEA: With the correct technique of raising roosters, we develop a sense of responsibility and self-regulation skills LINE OF INQUIRY: […]