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Raisya Putri Azahra

Painting Arts in Islamic Religion That Follows The Islamic Ways.

Central Idea:
Painting art in the view of Islam (according to Islamic religious principles).

Line of Inquiry:

– Researching art histories both domestically and globally
– Researching the laws of painting in Islam and the differences of opinion of the saints
– Researching the differences between the art of drawing and painting

Join My Presentation via ZOOM:
Time Schedule at Thursday, 7 January 2021 13:30PM


Seni Lukis Dalam Agama Islam Yang Sesuai Dengan Kaidah Islam

Central Idea:
Seni lukis dalam pandangan agama Islam (sesuai kaidah agama Islam)

Line of Inquiry:
– Meneliti sejarah-sejarah seni dalam negeri maupun dalam global
– Meneliti tentang hukum seni lukis dalam agama Islam dan perbedaan pendapat para ulama
– Meneliti tentang perbedaan seni menggambar dan melukis

Join My Presentation via ZOOM:
Time Schedule at Thursday, 7 January 2021 13:30PM

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