You are currently viewing Maritza Salwa Tania

Maritza Salwa Tania

Wild Animal Hunt

Central Idea:
Hunting impacts to habitat of wild animal

Line of Inquiry:
What is the cause which makes some species extinct and what is the effect

Join My Presentation via ZOOM:
Time Schedule at Thursday, 7 January 2021 11:00AM

Meeting ID: 796 8921 4401
Passcode: 65NX6J


Perburuan Hewan Liar

Central Idea:
Perburuan mempengaruhi habitat hewan liar

Line of Inquiry:
Apa penyebab suatu spesies dapat dikatakan punah,kerugian apa saja yang didapat dari dampak perburuan tersebut

Join My Presentation via ZOOM:
Time Schedule at Thursday, 7 January 2021 11:00AM

Meeting ID: 796 8921 4401
Passcode: 65NX6J

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