Dzakiyah Aziz
Judul: Membuat Tie Dye Central Idea: Berkesenian melalui pola tie dye Line of Inquiry: 1. Alat untuk membuat tie dye 2. Bahan untuk membuat tie dye 3. Cara membuat…
Judul: Membuat Tie Dye Central Idea: Berkesenian melalui pola tie dye Line of Inquiry: 1. Alat untuk membuat tie dye 2. Bahan untuk membuat tie dye 3. Cara membuat…
Judul: Membuat Ecoprint dengan Teknik Pounding Central Idea: Pemanfaatan sampah organik untuk pembuatan seni ecoprint Line of Inquiry: 1. Mengetahui alat & bahan pembuatan ecoprint dengan teknik pounding 2. Bagaimana cara…
Judul: Truk dan Alat Berat Central Idea: Mengenal truk jungkit, truk molen, dan eskavator Line of Inquiry: 1. Alat berat mampu memghasilkan tenaga yang besar sehingga bisa mengangkat beban…
Judul: Menempel Foto Keluarga Central Idea: Menempel foto keluarga Line of Inquiry: 1. Mengetahui anggota keluarga 2. Cara menempel 3. Cara menempel foto keluarga Key Concept Form Related Concept Keluarga,…
Judul: How to make Eco Enzyme from orange peel and benefit Eco Enzyme Central Idea: Eco Enzyme to prevent global warming for home Line of Inquiry: 1. What is…
Judul: Marinasi ayam dengan susu Central Idea: Marinasi ayam dengan susu Line of Inquiry: 1. Cara memasak ayam 2. Proses marinasi 3. Cara marinasi ayam dengan susu Key Concept…
Judul: Budidaya ikan patin Central Idea: Budidaya ikan patin menggunakan terpal dan paralon di rumah lebih efektif Line of Inquiry: 1. Apa pengaruh budidaya ikan patin di teras rumah…
Judul: Menanam kangkung dengan hidroponik Central Idea: Peran hidroponik sebagai alternatif bercocok tanam pada lahan yang minim Line of Inquiry: 1. Bentuk alternatif bercocok tanam dengan hidroponik 2. Kendala cara…
TITLE: Diecast Investment CENTRAL IDEA: Through diecast collections, we turn hobbies into businesses and investments LINE OF INQUIRY: 1. Get to know Diecast more deeply 2. How to take…
Al Firdaus Head of School
Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, and Guests,
Welcome to the PYP Exhibition! This event is a celebration of students' exploration and creativity in addressing global challenges with sustainable solutions.
Students not only study global issues outlined in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but also seek innovative solutions for a better future. They demonstrate that change begins with meaningful small steps, in line with the PYPX 2024-2025 tagline: "Our Small Action Today, for a Sustainable Tomorrow."
The PYP Exhibition is more than just a final project; it is a platform to showcase the values of a lifelong learner, such as curiosity, collaboration, and critical thinking.
Congratulations to all students on their outstanding achievements, and heartfelt thanks to the teachers, parents, and mentors for their support. This exhibition is a true testament to the power of collaboration and creativity.
Thank you for joining us and enjoying the students' work.
Warm regards
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Elementary Principal
Welcome to the PYP Exhibition of Al Firdaus School!
As the Principal, I feel incredibly proud and inspired by the extraordinary journey our Grade 6 students have taken through the PYP Exhibition process. Through your effort, creativity, and hard work, I can see how you have grown into individuals who are not only academically intelligent but also caring and committed to making a positive impact in our world.
Each project, each idea you share, and each challenge you face has shown how remarkable your passion for learning and contributing to the global community is.
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the students, teachers, parents, and everyone who has supported this journey. This is a testament that education is not just about knowledge, but about how we can change the world for the better, one small action at a time.
Congratulations to all the Grade 6 PYP Exhibition participants! Keep dreaming big, keep striving, and remember that every action you take can make a meaningful difference.
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Curriculum Coordinator
Dear Grade 6 Students and Mentors,
Alhamdulillah, Congratulations on successfully completing your PYP Exhibition, a truly remarkable accomplishment!
Your dedication, hard work, and creativity have shone through in this culminating project, and we couldn’t be more proud of each one of you.
As you’ve explored, researched, and collaborated to address real-world challenges, you’ve demonstrated the power of inquiry and innovation. Your commitment to finding sustainable solutions not only highlights your passion for making a difference today but also creates a lasting impact for tomorrow.
Remember, “Our Small Action Today, for a Sustainable Tomorrow.” Every step you’ve taken during this journey is a powerful reminder that even small efforts, when combined, can create lasting positive change. In the spirit of our Islamic faith, you have embodied the teachings of stewardship (khilafah) and the importance of leaving a better world for future generations. Your efforts represent the very essence of how we, as part of the global Islamic society, can contribute to building a more sustainable, compassionate, and just world.
We are incredibly proud of you, not just for completing this project, but for your commitment to bringing about meaningful change in the world. May your journey continue to inspire others as you move forward, guided by the values of our faith and the spirit of global unity. You are all now part of a growing movement that will shape a better future for generations to come.
Once again, congratulations to both the mentors who guided with care and the students who brought their ideas to life. This is just the beginning of your incredible journey toward making a meaningful impact in the world. May Allah (SWT) bless you with success in all your future endeavors.
With pride and blessings,
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